Soho Forum Debate Sources

Check out the Soho Forum debate Relationship between Freedom House’s Freedom in the World and Population: Relationship between CATO’s Human Freedom Index and Population Study on how many Americans live in the state they were born in:,,were%20born%20in%20another%20country Study on how many Europeans live in the country of birth  Urban, Suburban, and Rural…

Statement regarding the “Rage against War” rally

On December 23rd, I expressed concerns about the Rage Against War rally, pointing out that the demands ignored Russian aggression in the war. With recent revelations about speakers and sponsors, it is clear that those demands have attracted openly pro-war and pro-Putin speakers (see sources below). Since retweeting my concerns, the Classical Liberal Caucus has…

Why Libertarian Party Candidates Can Never Be “Kingmakers”

Why Libertarian Party Candidates Can Never Be “Kingmakers”

Some suggest that if Libertarian Candidates endorse a duopolist, we can move the needle towards liberty. But this is a sure path to disaster for the Libertarian Party, and is certainly no path to liberty in our lifetime. Ballot access concerns aside, unless a candidate is transparent about this strategy from the start of their…

Libertarian Party Candidates Deserve Better.

Libertarian Party Candidates Deserve Better.

Angela McArdle, Chair of the Libertarian Party made an appearance on Rising, a web video series hosted by political newspaper The Hill. In it (full video here: she makes several concerning statements about the endorsement of Blake Masters by Marc Victors and her support for Libertarian Party candidates. We have heard concerns and confusion…