What College Football Can Teach Us About Free Markets

What College Football Can Teach Us About Free Markets

So, what lessons can we as a society take from college football? The short answer is that free market principles work — including having freedom of movement to choose one’s desired workplace. When workers, aided by their autonomy, are allowed to maximize their talents it’s better for everyone. The fact that college football is currently the closest thing we have to a truly free market in our society has led to a boon in its popularity.

The Texas-Federal Border Dispute: A Distraction from Real Immigration Reform

The Texas-Federal Border Dispute: A Distraction from Real Immigration Reform

In recent months, the Texas-Federal border dispute has dominated headlines, capturing the attention of politicians, media outlets, and citizens alike. With heated debates over jurisdiction, security measures, and immigration policies, it’s easy to get caught up in the intricacies of this ongoing conflict. However, amidst the chaos and political posturing, it’s crucial to recognize that…

Can NATO be Reformed with Libertarian Principles Rather than Abolished Entirely?

Can NATO be Reformed with Libertarian Principles Rather than Abolished Entirely?

Over time, especially after the collapse of the USSR, NATO has lost its way and moved away from being a purely defensive agreement.  I’m not advocating that we begin overthrowing all the sitting administrations of countries that demonstrate even the slightest bit of illiberalism. Instead, I emphasize that it is important to our survival that we not blind ourselves to the international dangers of the world and ensure the safety of other liberal nations that will also come to our aid when authoritarian forces invade our property.

Why Libertarians Should Favor Small Government, Not Zero Government

Why Libertarians Should Favor Small Government, Not Zero Government

When we say the words “small government” we are referring to a system where the government is a tool to reduce coercion, not cause it. David Nolan, who originally founded the Libertarian Party, reinforced this idea by noting: “As long as there are people who will resort to coercion, you cannot have a ‘society without coercion.’  At best you can have a society which minimizes coercion.”

The LGBTQ Fight Is A Libertarian Fight For Individual Choice And Personal Liberty

The LGBTQ Fight Is A Libertarian Fight For Individual Choice And Personal Liberty

The freedom of individual choice is the most crucial principle that the libertarian ideology rests upon. Nobody has the right to force a decision upon another person. Coercion is the ultimate evil that begets a turn to authoritarianism. Because of this, it is of great importance that libertarians from all walks of life champion the…