The Classical Liberal Caucus is proud to endorse these Libertarian Party candidates:
Anthony Angelini was born and raised in the Conejo Valley. He met his wife at Westlake High School and the two are raising their daughter, Aria, in Thousand Oaks. Anthony is running for Conejo Rec and Park District Director because he has skin in the game and a deep connection to his community. He has been involved in the CRPD through volunteer service for nearly his entire life. He was a former board member of the Arts Council of the Conejo Valley, a member of the Teen Center Advisory Committee, a board member of Gold Coast Theatre Conservatory, and is the current Inaugural Chairman of the City of Thousand Oaks Arts and Culture Roundtable, where he was appointed by City Council in 2019.
Anthony also has over 10 years of experience in public affairs and administration. He currently serves as the Senior Field Representative for State Assemblywoman Suzette Valladares and is proud of his record of public service and ability to build coalitions between different government agencies. He has a degree from UCLA in History and Middle Eastern Studies and is a current MPA Candidate at Cornell University.
Ted Brown was born in 1960 in Steubenville, Ohio, the grandson of German, Greek and Jewish immigrants. Ted and his parents later moved to Wheeling, West Virginia, and Ted worked in the family business, an Ethan Allen furniture store, through high school. Ted moved to Los Angeles to find his fortune. He graduated from UCLA in 1984, earning a B. A. in political science with a concentration in Constitutional Law. Since then, he has worked in the insurance industry and is currently self-employed as an independent insurance adjuster, specializing in auto, property, and general liability cases. Ted and his wife Laura have been married since 1984. They lived in Southern California for many years before moving to Austin, TX. Laura teaches at Austin Community College. They have one daughter named Katie, who is a fundraiser for a major university hospital. Ted joined the Libertarian Party in 1979 and has been active his entire adult life. He is currently Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Travis County, Candidate Coordinator for the Libertarian Party of Texas, and a member of the Texas State Libertarian Executive Committee (SLEC).
David Coatney owns a web marketing agency in North Carolina and has been self-employed since 2005. His company, Sleek Web Marketing, has helped dozens of small businesses grow their online presence.
He and his wife Beth have been married for ten years and love to travel. During that time, they visited every state in the country while also living in Florida, Utah, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Along the way, he has also made several historical documentaries and travel documentaries.
He has joined the NC11 race to fight the divisive and hyper-partisan environment created by the two-party system. The old parties have led the country down a path of toxic tribalism that isn’t sustainable if we are to move forward as ONE PEOPLE. He also believes “every citizen has the right to live their life in whatever manner they choose, as long as it doesn’t forcibly infringe on the rights of others.”
Jaime Andrés Díez is the Libertarian nominee for the Texas Railroad Commission. Jaime grew up in Brownsville, TX where he attended Saint Joseph Academy. After graduating he moved to Dallas, TX to attend Southern Methodist University. In January 2019 he graduated with with a BS in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship. After graduation he moved back to Brownsville and worked various jobs, from scrap metal brokerage to software implementation. During the COVID pandemic Jaime completed a postgraduate program in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for the University of Texas at Austin. Currently, Jaime has been working on opening up the first scrap tire recycler in the region in order to help address the both the environmental and public health issues caused by these tires.
"My name is Nick Grasso, I was born and raised right here in Elmira,
NY. Like many of my fellow residents, I chose to stay in Elmira to
start my business and more importantly, raise my family! Since 2020 I
have had the honor and privilege to serve the people of Elmira as City
Councilmember for District 1. If we haven't had an opportunity to
meet, here is a bit more about me:
Elmira Free Academy, Class of 2008
Corning Community College, Class of 2017
Owner/Operator of First Class Auto Detailing in Elmira since 2012
Chair of the Libertarian Party of Chemung County
Consistently voted NO on property tax increases
Consistently voted NO on elected official salary increases
Voted NO on providing “COVID hazard bonuses” to elected officials
Worked with community leaders to protest COVID Lockdowns in late 2020
Lead effort to provide Elmira PD surplus body armor to the Ukrainian People
Building on my City Council experience, I am asking for the privilege
of representing more of my neighbors here in Elmira. I will continue
fighting for the people of Elmira and Chemung County as a whole. We
all deserve a safe and thriving community to live, work, play and
raise our families in. As a County Legislator, I will do everything in
my power to improve the lives of ALL our citizens.
I am always available to hear your questions, concerns, ideas and
comments. Feel free to head over to to learn more or
stay in touch!"
Jeff Miller was born in New Jersey, but moved to College Station, Texas in 1982 and has lived there ever since. He graduated from A&M Consolidated High School in 1994 and attended Blinn College. Jeff participated in the process of both the Republican and Democrat parties before finally deciding “enough is enough” and joining the Libertarian party officially in 2020. Since joining the LP, Jeff has served in several leadership roles in the party, including Brazos County Chair, State Libertarian Executive Committee Representative, LP Sober Caucus Committee Member, and Regional Coordinator for the Classical Liberal Caucus. Jeff’s hobbies include playing tennis, going to movies, and enjoying classic radio and television shows. He has one adult son, and works as an office manager for a restaurant company.
Ron Paul was my family congressman from 1981-1985. Even though I lived and voted in Austin during those four years, I always considered Ron as my real representative in Congress. Because of this, I'm one of the few libertarians who could honestly say during those years that I loved my congressman but hated Congress. Finally, although I first joined the LP in 1980, I haven't always been as active as I am now. And I've run for office as the LP candidate six times: for Texas State House, District 48 (1982); for Texas Congressional District 1 (2012); for Texas CD 17 (2016); for Texas CD 35 (2018); for Texas CD 31 (2020); and for Texas CD 37 (2022).
I was a navy brat growing up on the Eastern seaboard until my family moved to Minnesota when I was 10. Since then, I have been in love with this state and call it my home. I graduated from Burnsville High (Go Blaze!) and found the love of my life at a small private college in Iowa: Buena Vista University. I learned to balance life's challenges serving in the Minnesota Army National Guard, working my way through college in on-campus tech support, and graduating with three majors as a first-generation college student. My college was broken in to two equal doses as my service took me overseas with the 1/34 Brigade Combat Team. There I found my calling in environment and conservation while serving on the banks of the Tigris River near Balad, Iraq. After returning home, I finished college and received two Master's Degrees from the University of Maryland in Public Policy and Conservation Biology. Now after a few years in the USDA Forest Service, I run my own policy and scientific consulting firm based here in Roseville, MN. Part of the reason I decided to run for Minnesota Senate is my exhaustion with finding candidates of both parties failing to represent my interest. By adding a viable third-party, perhaps we can shake loose these party elites that control the choices we see on the ballots and our narrowed list of choices in government policy.
Joe Roberts is a native of the Dallas area. He holds the position of Spanish professor at Dallas College. He is the vice chair of the Libertarian Party of Dallas County, and serves on the executive committee of the Libertarian Party of Texas. He is running in a two-way race against a Democrat for an open seat in Texas HD-100, deep in the heart of Dallas.
Nolan Schmidt is an independent filmmaker, author, and special needs advocate. He grew up in the world of small business through his parents, and is a staunch fiscal conservative.
He is currently one of two representatives for Texas Senate District 21 on the State Libertarian Executive Committee under the Libertarian Party of Texas. He previously has served as Public Relations and County Chair for the Libertarian Party of Guadalupe County where he now serves as Vice Chair.
He graduated Seguin High School in 2010, and graduated at Texas Lutheran University with a B.A. in Dramatic Media in 2013.
He serves as a Board Member for Special Kids with Special Needs, a local non-profit within Seguin that helps out families within Guadalupe County who have children with different ranges of disabilities and disorders.
He is currently running for Guadalupe County Judge as a Libertarian. The reasons he is running is to hopefully stop the rise of taxes and spending within the county, create protections for small businesses and landlords from government shutdowns and mandates, and to create outreach programs for families with children and adults with special needs without the use of taxpayer money.
John Sophocleus began his career at Ford Motor Company as a “Warranty & Policy Administrator”. John worked tirelessly for a decade where he earned enough to devote most of his professional time to research and teaching; first at Clemson in 1989 then Auburn (including AUM and Southern Union at times) beginning in 1992. Recognized among the top 2% of college instructors in Who’s Who Among American Teachers, he was also adjunct faculty at the Mises Institute and occasionally lectured there, usually on US tariff history.
He considered it a great honor to lecture at the Air War College’s International Officer School each summer at Maxwell AFB and also found teaching honor students a wonderful teaching experience.
Perhaps most rewarding was his time teaching economics to prisoners as APAEP [Alabama Prison Arts & Education Project] faculty. John generally taught Microeconomics classes and is published in leading economics journals such as Quarterly Journal of Economics, Public Choice, and more noteworthy to local folks as a columnist for the Alabama Gazette since 2009. John Sophocleus’ first run as a candidate was part of a project with the AU Student Libertarians. Some may recall the 2002 Libertarian Gubernatorial Campaign where Candidate Sophocleus beat the margin of victory leaving the outcome unknown for weeks.
Rick Stewart is a 71 year old Iowa native and has also lived in Massachusetts, California, Paris, Valencia, Guatemala, and China. His French is passable, his Spanish less so, his Chinese forgotten. His first career was law enforcement for two years, then he was fired for growing a beard. Stewart fared better the second time around as founder of a $200 million natural foods company selling (legal) herbs and spices, today employing 600 people. In 1992 he was Iowa's Small Businessperson of the Year and first national runner-up. After his retirement Stewart fought to get Gary Johnson included in the Presidential Debates (2012), in the process becoming the CPD's worst enemy. He convinced three of their ten 'National Sponsors' to withdraw, having forensically proven they paid nothing for the honor (neither had any of the other seven, but they toughed it out). After that fiasco the CPD permanently ceased having faux sponsors. Regrettably the media has not yet discovered this. Stewart joined the national LP and its Iowa affiliate in 2012 and this is his fifth run for office (Linn County Sheriff, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, US Senate twice). Stewart has six children and ten grandchildren (white, black, Mexican, Danish).
I have been a Libertarian since 2005 when I joined the party. While freedom in all regards is important, I have come to focus on freeing voter choice from the well entrenched laws that perniciously put a stranglehold on voters. From ballot access, gerrymandering, voting systems, debate controls, primary regulation, and more the old parties have worked together to choose and control voters. I believe it is vital to break these voter shackles and free voters make actual choices again. One does not have to agree completely with Libertarians to understand there is a deep problem. The LP is the greatest chance at changing our political system back into a marketplace of ideas instead of choosing between two ruling parties.
My name is Mark Tippetts and I'm proud to be the Libertarian Party's nominee for Governor of Texas.
I am bilingual and bi-cultural. I am an International Legal & Business Consultant for businesses and individuals that own property and/or do business in Mexico and Latin America. Making enemies with our southern neighbors and erecting walls between us is counterproductive, insulting, and foolish.
I support school choice, free markets, free trade, civil liberties, and peace.
I have a background in law, business, project development, and project management. I have a Bachelors of Law and a Masters in Administration from San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Over the past 30 years, I have established, developed, and operated several companies including a hydroelectric plant in Belize and a law firm in Monterrey, Mexico. Throughout my career, I have effectively communicated and successfully partnered with many private and government entities including: legal, engineering, environmental, electric and water commissions, natural resource departments, road and bridge departments, and lands departments as well as municipalities and villages. In the legal field, I have been successful in negotiating international grants, concessions, land leases, water rights, and contracts as well as litigating numerous cases.
I am Patrick Wallace, the Libertarian Party Candidate for Alabama State Board of Education – District 8. I am a son, husband, and proud father. I am a born and raised Alabamian, graduate of Hewitt-Trussville High School, and Huntingdon College. Madison has been home for the past decade, where I raise my children, and where they attend school. I believe that continual education and the pursuit of knowledge serve as the building blocks of a bright future. My professional path has taken me on a diversified journey, from managing small businesses for myself and others, helping start-ups achieve triple digit annual growth, healthcare administration for both the public and incarcerated populations to aviation and aerospace. Currently, I work in Quality Assurance Management as well as being a Co-Owner of the family business.
I am not a career educator or politician. I am a parent, concerned that our children are missing out on educational opportunities due to the current state of our rigid education system and its forced compliance to government mandated standards. I want to challenge the establishment, bring true liberty to Alabama education and pull our students out of the national rankings basement.
I grew up in a small town in middle-of-nowhere Oregon called Mosier with a population of under 500 people. However, I have deep family ties to the south, and relocating to this area was a welcome chance to reconnect with and enjoy my southern roots. I now live in Decatur, Alabama and have loved becoming part of the community here. I have created ties and friendships that give me the opportunity to explore much of District 8, as well as the surrounding areas. I have a particular soft spot for driving down to visit friends in various locations of Danville and enjoying the tranquility of those backroads. I am mother to 4 wonderful children, wife to a rocket scientist, and a jack of all trades who opts to DIY solutions to every possible problem. I work as a tutor for all grade levels in all subjects, but am particularly experienced in biology and other sciences. My love of teaching stems from a love of learning, and I look forward to the lessons of new experiences.
I’m Kari Mitchell Whitaker, a lifelong resident of Dunnavant Valley (in District 45), and I’m asking for your vote as State House Representative.
I want to run for office because I believe that government — as envisioned by our founders — should be simple, unobtrusive, and (where necessary) effective. I trust people to make their own decisions about what is best for themselves and their families. The less the government meddles in our private lives and affairs, the better. I believe our current government has become far too powerful, cumbersome, divisive, and corrupt — and I want to change that.
I don’t aspire to be a career politician, and I won’t try to sell you simplistic solutions to the complex problems we face. The current two-party system has led to too much divisiveness. We must work hard to find common ground, sensible compromise, and to foster a sense of cooperative human connection. It is my belief that our country is unique in the world — we must preserve and protect the democratic principles and classical liberal ideas upon which it was founded.
I am a small business owner, wife, and mother. I am an active member of my church. In my free time you’ll find me hiking, gardening, reading, foraging wild foods, SCUBA diving, playing role-playing games, and practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
I am fiercely independent, inquisitive, old and sometimes grouchy…a college grad from two small schools in Michigan. I am running as a third party opposition candidate for the State House Rep in the 41st District bringing you extensive written and audio pieces on relevant topics called “The Straight Dope Series“ found at You likely and intentionally suffer, in some way, from “a lack” brought to you by your current elected leadership. A lack does not just happen. Voters desire direct representation in Lansing but never get it regardless of their vote for an establishment candidate. I explain why and how it all works in the essay about who runs Lansing and DC. Many think that voting for a third party candidate is a wasted vote. In fact and in reality, voting for an establishment candidate wastes your vote as a result of how the system is setup to consolidate power to committee chairs and speakers essentially stripping your representatives power from them leaving you, unrepresented. I have a diverse background from blue collar roots and I own an IT business in the Kalamazoo area. I am also active in the community as a member of local organizations.