Why democracy is good for liberty

Why democracy is good for liberty

There is a growing tendency among libertarians to attack the concept of democracy, and blame it for America’s problems. But this is reckless: we need to address the issues within our system and provide alternatives instead of burning the entire thing down. Democracy is defined as “a government in which the supreme power is vested…

Promoting false narratives doesn’t promote liberty

Promoting false narratives doesn’t promote liberty

Originally published on Learn Liberty Some libertarians have a tendency to latch on to any story that questions the mainstream narrative. This is a risky gambit; for every heterodox view that is correct, there are a thousand that are false. Whether it’s the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Covid, or even Jan 6, we should not…

Why pro-liberty solutions must apply to the real world

Why pro-liberty solutions must apply to the real world

For a policy proposal to be deemed pro-liberty, it must meet a simple requirement: to increase liberty, not decrease it. Policies are not implemented in a sterile lab environment, they are implemented in the world as it exists now. If a policy increases liberty in some theoretical world, but decreases liberty in the present world,…

Why libertarians should support Ukraine but oppose American military intervention

Why libertarians should support Ukraine but oppose American military intervention

Originally Published on Learn Liberty Those who claim to love liberty should not be attacking those who are defending their homes as “pawns”, and should never defend the actions of the invader.  To do so completely rejects the foundational principle of property rights that libertarianism stands on. Either the Ukrainian people have a right to…

National divorce is not a pro-liberty solution

National divorce is not a pro-liberty solution

Originally Published on Learn Liberty Fear is the stalwart and eternal ally of tyranny, and sowing division is the surest way to make people afraid.  Today, many Americans aren’t motivated by the candidate they vote for, but rather by fear of the candidate they are opposed to. As politicians push division to gain more power,…